Wednesday 18 April 2012

Radio Presenter Script

Radio Presenter Script
We decided to change our radio script to make it simpler, with only 1 person, and to a man. This made it sound more professional easier.

Mans voice: Polie have reported an incient in Saint Rethoms woods in the Streatham area. they are advising memebers od the publi to steer clear of the immediate vicinity until they know more.
On to the weather, there are clear skies today and low humidity.

This adds mysetry to the situation and gives a bit of bakcground information to the next scene. However, it poses questions, such as : Do they know about this warning and are there anyway? Did they go there because of the warning? Are they unaware of any incident and got unwillingly caught up in something?
Also, what was the incident? This gets the audience intrigued and draws them in.

We added in a mention to the weather to make it reognisabley like a radio, and also to contrast with the scary notice given before. It could make the audience forget about the scary notice and think of nicer things until they are thrust into the horrible situation in the woods.

In order to make it sound more authentic for our clip we decided to edit in on garage band to make it sound recognisabley like a radio reporter.

Evidence of Construction of our Film

Friday 16 March 2012

Our Production Company

we had decided to create our own production company to 'produce' our film. we included the logo in our opening title.